Geopathic Stress

Geopathic Stress

Geopathic means disease of the earth/environment, coming from Greek words, “geo” meaning earth and “pathic” meaning suffering. Geopathic stress is what is imposed on the body by exposure to radiation from either manmade or natural sources. This affects both the human and animal kingdom.

There are two sources of Environmental stress we are concerned about here, Man-made and Natural.

  • Man made sources (EMF) can include emissions from power lines, transmission masts, microwave ovens, TV,s, computers, wifi routers, television digibox, electronic equipment, bluetooth watches, baby monitors, electric blankets, faulty wiring in houses, mobile/cordless DECT phones, solar panel inverters, high voltage power lines, masts and pylons among others.
  • Natural sources (Geopathic stress) come from a disruption in the natural energy flow in our environment, e.g. if a house is built directly over underground water streams or over the earth’s natural magnetic lines, the changed energy vibration from these sources can be damaging to our health over time. Ultimately the overall result of geopathic stress is a lowering of our immune system and subsequently ill health. Any specific place where a person or child spends a lot of time e.g. where they sleep, work or play is most important to have checked for these effects and solutions put in place if necessary.

Do you suffer from stress?